We are STEAG Turkey

STEAG Türkiye'de bizim için daima itici güç olan bir şey vardır; o da enerjiyi daha iyi kullanabilmek için içimizde duyduğumuz istek. İştiraklerimiz aracılığıyla modern bir enerji şirketinin değer zincirindeki hizmetleri sunuyoruz.



İsken Sugözü Power Plant is a first coal fired power plant which is built and operated by private sector in Turkey. ISKEN Sugözü Power Plant has operated in compliance with international technical standarts and the competitiveness of the plant is secured by efficient design and high availability.

STEAG Enerji Ticareti ve Hizmetleri A.Ş.

SET aims to bundle all trading related activities and manages the whole portfolio along the entire value chain and focuses on different activities such as:

  • Optimizing conventional power plants on the long-term market up to intraday
  • Optimization of renewable energy power plants such as windfarms (which has already been done successfully for Süloğlu since 2016)
  • Electricity deliveries to industrial customers
  • Hard coal deliveries to power plants and industrial customers

Steag Turkey Energy Investments & Services - Vision

  • STE was designed to be the platform for business activities & services (Operation & Maintenance / Business Development / Shared Services) in Turkey
  • Operation & Maintenance (O&M) serves as a general O&M service provider for new STEAG projects
  • Business Development (BD) implements the Internationalization Strategy of STEAG by developing projects and conducting M&A activities
  • Shared Admin Services provides all required admin services mainly to internal clients & and new STEAG assets